FAQ: How do you have Zero Waste Sex?

FAQ: How do you have Zero Waste Sex?
FAQ: How do you have Zero Waste sex?

In this video Lauren Singer from Trash is for Tossers will talk to you about SEX and how and if it is possible to both have sex and also live a Zero Waste lifestyle. Of course the best way to not get pregnant is to not have sex, but if you are sexually active, using contraceptive methods like more sustainable condoms, even though they most likely end up in landfill, is a better option than getting an unwanted STD or unplanned pregnancy.

For the sustainable condoms shown in this video, check out www.sustainnatural.com

For more videos head to www.youtube.com/c/trashisfortossers or head to www.trashisfortossers.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/trashisfortossers

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